I can't think of anyone who has hurt me recently, so I will just have to go with the last thing I can remember. I fear that this person my read my blog though, so it makes me nervous. Perhaps I will make it kinda vague.
Dear so and so,
Look, I know I have weight problems. You have made that clear for years, but sometimes a little tact is in order. Watch what you say please. Share a little empathy. See the world through my eyes. Hear the world through my ears. Feel the world through my heart. Put yourself in my shoes and really try to feel how I feel. People can be so ignorant when it comes to this issue. I deal enough with the looks and the stereotypes from the world. When I dropped 100 pounds you were one of my biggest supporters, but as soon as I started gaining it back due to my medication... you shied away, and your comments were less than loving. I thought that you were supposed to love me no matter what. I though that someone in your position would support me not matter my size. I have a lot of issues in my life that I have to deal with. I don't need added drama from you, just adding to my insecurities. It comes down to the fact... would I rather be crazy or fat... I think I'll take some fat over being crazy any day. You aren't me, you don't deal with all that I deal with. You are clueless, so how about a little less criticism, and a little more love!
Don't let so and so get you down. If they are so concerned about you or the way you look, then they probably have bigger issues with themselves. i think you are just adorable!!! :)
Hi! Thanks for following The Penny-Wise Mama! I'm now following you back.
Thanks for popping by my blog and following. I'm following back!
P.S. The world could *totally* use more empathy. I'm so saddened by how easily we treat one another like garbage. I hope the situation with your friend gets better and perhaps his/her eyes are opened!
Hi! I'm your newest follower from "Fun Follow Friday"!
I could not agree with you more... fat over crazy I will take ANY day! I also agree with Carmen up above my comment... a lot more empathy in the world would make it quite a better (and much more comfortable) place for us to live in...
Have a great weekend! :D
~ Nicole @ MamaNYC
Thanks for the follow! Returning the favor :)
Thanks for finding me today. Dropped by to take a look around and to say Hello. Oh, and to follow you too :)
Hi! I'm sorry that's happened to you. Don't let it get you down! Thanks for stopping by and following, I'm now following back. Come and enter my $35 CSN Stores Gift Certificate Giveaway. Open to US/CAN. Ends 11/29!
Yes, agreed, never judge someone unless you know how it feels to be one. I like your subjects on this blog. Thanks for stopping by today and introducing me to your blog. I am following you back.
Why do I feel like I may know who this is. I dunno. But I love you, no matter what I, or you weigh!
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