I have 2 siblings, both older... which of course makes me the spoiled brat, right? I have my moments, but I think I am pretty tolerable. I love to laugh and look for the positive in life so that I can enjoy the laughter at every turn. I am easily amused, I mean I laugh at most everything. My adorable boyfriend Whitney keeps a smile on my face all day long.
We have the most spoiled Malshi puppy, and not by our hand... but by way of her previous owner. We lover her to death, but it's just pitiful how much she acts like a little princess. I am sure she was shell shocked when she came to live with us! She brings us much joy, and laughter.
I work as a Dental Lab Tech and have been doing so for the last 9 years now. It's interesting work, almost artistic. I went to school in Provo, UT 9 years ago and have been "tech"ing away ever since!
About 1 year ago I discovered the blogosphere and the fun it entails. While searching through the blog world I happened upon a ton of really cute and fun designz. I thought, "I bet I can do that." I tinkered around until I figured out what I was doing and how to create awesome designz. That's where the nickname Tinkerbell came from. After taking at a stab at designing, I fell in love with Schnazzing blogs, and so Bloggy Blog Designz was born.
I have an intense passion for music and all things related. I sing and a few years ago chased my dreams of becoming a professional singer! I was titled Missouri's American Idol back in 2002, it was an honor and a pleasure. For me a dream come true. I went on to compete in a national competition, placing 3rd. I sang at the capitol on the 4th of July in 2004, I sang and the Mrs. MO pageant... as she went on to win Mrs. America that year! It was all amazing and thrilling to me... my time in the sun!
I hope you will enjoy my blog, and I hope you have enjoyed a little extra insight to me!