
Another trial!

I broke my foot today!  Yep, just broke it!!!  I am so upset and in so much pain.  How do people with only one leg ever do anything????  I was told that I have to have surgery on Monday and if I don't stay off my foot and keep it elevated they won't be able to do it.   Not to mention that I am supposed to be leaving next week to go on vacation.  I am not sure if I will be able to go or not and that is super upsetting.  I've been looking forward to this for a while now! I'll take some pictures and blog it or whatever.  I'm so irritated with the whole situation!


Jessica said...

I'm so sorry Jenna! Hang in there!

MommyLovesStilettos said...

*HUGS* I'm so sorry :(

Daisygirl said...

I am telling ya things happen in 3s so I hope this is the 3rd crazy or bad thing happening and its all over!

Rest...foot up! Chin up! Thinking about you!

Erin Honestly said...

Oh, talk about dumb luck! I'm so sorry! I really hope you don't have to miss your vacation:(

Nicole said...

=( Hoping for the best honey! {{hugs}}

Jewelyn said...

ridiculous! Hope things mend quickly! But I love your blog! So pretty!