
So I sent in a bunch of resumes on Friday last week, hoping to hear something the first of the week.  I put in a call to one place and they asked me to come in today and bring my resume.  When I got there, I saw one of my old friends who I used to work with at a dental office.  I applied for the receptionist position at this Dental office and they were thrilled that I knew one of their employees and that I have a knowledge of dental terms.  I am really hoping the job pans out.  I loved the last time I worked in a Dental office.  So please send a little love my way in the form of a prayer?  I would greatly appreciate it.

Also, after I got home Whitney and I were sitting here eating a little lunch and he got a phone call.  He didn't recognize the number and debated answering it.  He has been doing some freelance computer work recently and I figured this call had something to do with computers.  When he answered he got all excited, and practically jumping around the house.  He told me that a computer store he has been trying to get hired on at for almost 2 years had called him and wanted him to come in for an interview.  So off he went.  I am sure he would, but I definitely would love a few prayers sent his way as well.  We have been applying like crazy recently and it seems that perhaps it is paying off a little bit here.  I would love to think that we both could be starting a job next week!

1 comment:

Jewelyn said...

Oh that would be so great for both of you! Good luck! And I do hope you're all staying safe over there. All that weather scares me. Also, if you want to send me your email, I'll get those recipes to you--I ended up just emailing them to people rather than posting them. I don't know why. Just did it that way this time. :)