
Fab Friday Newz - Finale???

So I am thinking of ending my FFN blog hop and focusing more on tutorials. I love FFN, but it never took off quite as much as I had hoped it would! I can sprinkle a little Fab Newz in my posts through out the week. For example, I just found another job. I've been looking for a REALLY long time. It's been a long search, but it's paid off. I know I am going to like this job. I used to work with the boss. It's dealing with people, which I totally miss. I start on Monday and I am excited, but I'm really gonna miss this. 

So, What's your Fab Friday Newz?


Doodles said...

I will be so sorry to see you pull the Fab Friday I love the idea of making sure you end the week on a positive note. I will probably continue to post my Fab Friday news if you don't mind my still using your phrase. I haven't been blogging a lot here lately as life has just been crazy. Good luck at your new job, I hope it's everything and more than you want it to be.

Whitney Black said...

Well Sweetie, I'm really sorry to see it go as well, but you gotta do what you gotta do! I totally understand. I love you.