
Yo Tweeps

 Image courtesy of  on August 20, 2009 by Dave Mott
Supah Mommy decided she wanted do a twitter traffic exchange, and voila, you have a whole bunch of people doing a new sort of carnival on twitter. No idea what I am talking about still?  Read on-and follow!

 Follow MeTwitter IconFollow Bloggy Blog DesignzTwitter Icon

Follow me on twitter, I will follow you back! Just click above and read below for directions!

To play along and increase your twitter twaffic do the following:
1.   Click on my twitter Icon above. Follow me first of all!
2.  MAKE A BLOG POST LIKE I  am doing.   Copy and Paste these directions.
3.  Grab the YO Tweeps  Twaffic Exchange Button.  Put him in your post.

5.  Put a twitter icon / link on your blog post like I did. It should directly link to your TWITTER PROFILE.
6.  I changed this one to after 8, because why would you go only to come back and see the next instruction!
7.  Visit some other #YOTweeps linkers on the list.
8.  Follow them if you choose and shout out to them on twitter  that you are following so they can instantly follow you if they're on.   (Follow their blog as well if you're interested.)
@BBDesignz #yotweeps  I'm following!

9. If someone follows  you JUST  reciprocate.   It's that easy.
10. NOW got to Supah Mommy and link up! 

Or you can link up right here!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HEY can you teach me the Twitter thing?? I mean you already got me movin with Aphrodite ... now teach me the bird!!