
The Hunger Games

Okay so when I was in Denver with my family over the Holidays, my sister sent me home with her copy of The Hunger Games.  I was kind of unimpressed, so I stopped reading.  But burning in the back of my mind were my sister's words, "The beginning is a little slow.  So I gave it another try.

I picked up where I left off kind of vaguely remembering what had happened, but as I started reading it all came back and I was hooked.  It was a real page turner.  Compared to the last book I read (which was 620 pages), this book was only 370 and I managed to finish it in three days.  As I was reading I kept thinking, man this would make an awesome movie.  So I did a little research and it appears that there will be Hunger Games movie in 2012 sometime.  I checked on IMDB and scanned the cast over to see if they looked at all as I imagined them, and for the most part I think I did pretty good with my visuals.  Anyhoo... if you haven't read this book, check it out!  It's the first book in a series of three and I believe you will love it.  I am starting on book two tomorrow!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh I am so glad someone else likes this series! My friend sad it was too depressing. It can be on the "darker" side, but I think it is a terrific read! Enjoy the next two books!